• Alternate Patching Instructions by Jerry Kindall mailto:kindall@manual.com Manual Labor http://www.manual.com/ Introduction ___________ Sometimes it seems that a Patch file created by ResCompare will report that there’s not enough disk space to complete a command, even when there is. I had a couple people report this, so I decided to include copies of the actual changed resources so you can simply paste them in with ResEdit. You will need a copy of ResEdit to follow along. You can download a copy from Apple’s FTP site; it’s free. Try ftp://ftp.info.apple.com/Apple.Support.Area/Apple.Software.Updates/US/Macintosh/Utilities/ResEdit_2.1.3.sea.hqx (whew!). Make these patches only to a copy of the Finder. Remember, you can’t change a copy of the Finder that’s running. It’s best to follow the procedure I outlined in my instructions for actually installing the patch: option-drag the running Finder to the desktop, drop it on ResEdit and make the desired changes, move the running Finder to the Trash, move the edited Finder into the System Folder, and restart. Don’t empty the Trash until you’ve tested the new Finder to make sure it works properly. Installing with ResEdit ____________________ Drag the copy of the Finder onto ResEdit. ResEdit will open a window full of icons. You don’t need to know anything about these at this point. Drag tho appropriate patch file from this folder onto ResEdit. Be sure the patch file you’re using matches the version of the Finder you’re patching—8.0, 8.1, or 8.5. Another window of icons will appear. Select all the icons in the patch file and copy them to the clipboard. Command-A, Command-C. Easy. Switch to the Finder window and paste. ResEdit will ask you if you want to replace resources that already exist in the Finder. Say Yes. Save and close everything. Your copy of the Finder is now patched. Drag your old Finder from the System Folder to the Trash, then drag the patched Finder into the System Folder. Then restart. If the patched Finder works properly, you can empty the trash. For more in-depth instructions about these final steps, go back to the “Read Me Now” document. __ Last Modified: 19 October 1998 JEK